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Business and Commercial Document Imaging Solutions

Resumix 4.0

Resumix, Inc

Resumix is the expert employment solution which enables a corporate HumanResource Employment organization to automate its current hiring process.Resumix provides automation for tasks that previously had to be performedmanually, such as writing requisition and matching resumes to arequisition.Resumix eliminates manual data entry by using an optical scanner to inputresumes; extracts key information using state-of-the-art expert systemknowledge base; provides instant on-line access to resume and skilldatabase; automates the matching of resumes to requisitions; tracksapplicant progress through interview, hire and placement; trackscandidate correspondence; automatically assigns job category to resumes;tracks requisitions and activity against them; sends resume informationvia fax and e-mail; provides standard and ad hoc management reporting;generates letters and labels.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Fujitsu Scanner, Calera OCR software
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Resumix, Inc
890 Moss Dr
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1443
Phone: (408) 744-3800
Fax: (408) 744-3888